If Marketing is an Art act like an Artist
Marketing is your job. Very few of us go into this business because we have to manage social media accounts or approve an advertisement campaign. With your brand, you create great content in the form of writing, video, and audio, creating a webpage to tell the audience what you bring for them and what they do expect. Creating short-form and long-form content on core social media platforms like Quora, FaceBook, Instagram, and Snapchat to spread the awareness of their brand whether storytelling or valuable content.

Writers became writers because they wanted to write. The founder wants to be working on their product. not publishing posts for a content marketing side hustle. Someone who is going to sell your movie, your app, your artwork, your services if not you? Even if you pay someone else a lot of money, how hard are they going to work? By all means, the more you get money, the more you put effort into the work. An artist and a salesman - doing the same job. There is no difference between them.
Precisely, the idea that the world is waiting with bated breath for another movie or book or app or new allterment, is not true. People adore classical times. Old stuff. They are quite happy with this. They do not trick themselves at all. In order for, the product to speak for itself, it needs someone to speak to. It needs someone to speak for it too.
Byrd Leavell, a literal agent, put it to his client, you know what happens if you sell your product and you don’t have any way of getting attention for it?
No one buys it, that won’t be what you want.
An abundance of time.
Ai Ries and Jack Trout are two notable marketers. Acknowledge the CEOs are very busy, they have meetings, phone calls, business supper, and countless other day-to-day activities and responsibilities. Delegating your tasks to the right person won’t make disappoint you. We get it - you have a family to give time spent on and other projects to do. The same goes for artists. If you are honest with yourself, they will find that one has plenty of waste inside their artistic routine.
The time you spend on FaceBook, use it to build an online community. Develop new relations with people, with the right people. Use less-than-inspired moments to think about how to build your platform or get attention.

Your product needs a champion. Remember, marketing is your job. You can not be passed on to someone else. It doesn’t make a difference if you have a million followers on Twitter or billion dollars to spend, it is still on you. It still won’t be easy. Still, it’s on you. It’s on you to make great things you have made and reach as many people as possible. You will be at your own pace. This is an opportunity to apply the same creativity and energy to marketing because an artist never loses the charm of his skill.
A question comes in - Are our creative marketing ideas like this not their works of art?
Do the thing that you think is crazy.
If you want to take a stand, take risks.
If you want to be in trend, create something trendy.
Reach out to potential champions of your work. They will be desperate for your crazy stuff.